Friday, June 11, 2010


Okay guys I am requesting your prayers next week for Faith and myself. She is leaving on Sunday to go to church camp for the week. The camp is 5 hours away in Ohio and I will not be able to call and check on her whenever I want. This has been an agonizing decision for me, but I know that she will have a lot of fun. Faith is very independent and makes friends easily so I am not at all worried about her being homesick. I am more worried about the fact that she will be gone an entire week with people other than immediate family. I have let her go with my Mom & Dad to NC before for a week, but that was different because I could call her whenever I wanted and she was with my parents. My friend, Denice, from church is going and that does make me feel some better...I know that she will take care of her as her own...and she is going to let her call me at night on her cell phone.

Another thing that makes this so difficult is that Joe and I have a long weekend planned at a bed and breakfast in SC and we will be leaving the Friday that she is coming back. Her Mimi (Joe's mom) will be picking her up and she will be spending the weekend with her until we get back on Monday. We are very still very excited about our trip though and are looking forward to it.

I will try to post more after camp is over and our weekend get away and update you on how everything went. Until then...PRAY!!!

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Random Happenings

Hey all! I know...I know...I am a horrible blogger. I can rarely find the time to sit down and post updates. This may be a long one. We have had a lot happen since the last post. First of all...I thought I would update everyone on how my weight loss goal is progressing. I have lost a total of 15 pounds and 2 clothing sizes. YAHOO!!!! Only 15 more to go to reach my goal weight.

But, enough about me...I mainly want to post updates on Faith. Since my last post, we have had a Daddy Daughter Dance, Easter, and the last day of school. I want to share some highlights and pictures from these events.

Daddy Daughter Dance

The elementary school had a daddy daughter dance this year and Joe took off work to take her to the dance. She was sooo excited. We went shopping for the perfect dress and her daddy gave her a corsage the night of the dance and they went out to eat at Red Lobster after the dance. Her and her daddy were told that they were the best dressed couple at the dance.

Here is my little Diva posing for the camera. Her personal hairstylist, Erica (one of the teenagers from the church), came over to the house that day and fixed her hair for her.

Here is a picture of the girls at the dance trying to learn a line dance. They were all dressed up beautifully. I think that next year Joe is going to take her to a Princess dance that is held in Knoxville annually. We have heard that is a lot of fun.



On Easter, Faith wore the same dress that she wore to the daddy daughter dance. We also bought my nephew, Dakota, an adorable suit so that he could be dressed to the nines on Easter and match "Uncle Joe". After church we went to Joe's moms house for our traditional easter egg hunt and dinner.

 The Last Days of School

Faith did such a good job in second grade this year. She made the A honor roll for the year and met all of her AR reading goals. She also entered the "Make A Book" contest at school and even though she didn't win she received an honorable mention for her book. I am so proud of all she has accomplished this year. Below are some photos from the after school classes she was taking at school this year. The first is from her karate class and the second was from beginning tennis. She really enjoyed both classes but her favorite was tennis.

I hope you enjoyed this little glimpse into our lives for the last few months. I won't promise to update again soon because we all know how that goes. LOL